Patrick Donovan will be the first of the Good Life Center’s Sunday Speaker Series on July 3. Donovan’s talk, “Education & Climate Change: Learning Our Way towards Environmental and Social Justice, Equity, and Belonging” will deepen understanding of the current realities of the climate crisis and will introduce participants into practices and routines that strengthen ecological connections to land, place, and community. Examples of intergenerational collaboration, creativity, and community building will be explored.
Donovan grew up in the mountains, rivers, and lakes of western Maine. He currently teaches science at the Berkshire School in Sheffield, Massachusetts, and is committed to being an educator for environmental and social justice. Relational leadership and the wisdom found in nature are central to his teaching practice.
The Sunday Speaker Series continues the legacy of Helen and Scott Nearing, icons of the modern back to the land and organic gardening movements, who regularly engaged the community in discussing important issues in meaningful and creative ways. Presentations take place outside at the Good Life Center in Harborside on Sunday afternoons at 4 p.m., rain or shine. Admission is free, but donations are greatly appreciated. For more information and directions, go to or call 207-374-5386.