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Over the past 12 years, our Bangor summers have been filled with the sounds of world-famous musicians performing on our waterfront. However, over the recent months the sweet sound of construction and “getting things done” has filled the air. For some, the sound of the guitar or a good drum solo might make them excited. But in my case, hearing the sound of heavy equipment improving our city is absolutely awesome.
For those who haven’t noticed – what was once a contaminated coal tar remediation site is now on the verge of being transformed into a world-class entertainment venue. This progress did not happen overnight or without the blood, sweat, tears, and investment of our community partners, amazing construction crews, and leaders making things happen. Furthermore, I have seen folks working at a breakneck pace in all the elements from rain, snow, blistering hot days, and sleepless nights.
We are thankful for the countless hours that have been spent on this effort and the once-in-a-generation investment being made in our community. I look forward to celebrating alongside others at the Maine Savings Amphitheater for many years to come.
Charlie Longo