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I would like to commend and thank the Bangor Daily News and David Marino Jr. for the fact-checking article in the Saturday/Sunday, Sep. 3-4, issue of the paper. It does my heart good to see that there are ethical people out there trying to keep the items we see and read truthful.
The first time I saw this ad on TV, I was upset as it was full of blatant misinformation. This type of political advertising has been getting worse as time goes on, and I am terribly disappointed that a local TV station would run this ad. I understand that money makes the world go around, but ethics and morality should be a higher priority, especially when these ads are viewed by anyone who can turn the TV on, including impressionable children (and unfortunately many adults who are impressionable). I believe our country is so divided right now because of these very ads/news items and the news outlets who publish and air them.
I really wish those who are in the position, like the BDN, to spread news and ads, would be responsible and do the right thing: fact-check before they air/print ads and news items. Let’s make a stand for morality and truth!
Pam Oertel