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I am writing in support of Rep. Peter A. Lyford who is running for Maine Senate District 10. Lyford has enjoyed his past terms in the Maine Legislature and now seeks to continue his service as a state senator.
Lyford has worked many years in the retail business and has a great understanding of the needs of the people he represents. To that end, he has served his hometown of Eddington serving in several positions in town government. He gained a lot of experience owning and operating his own business.
He understands the time and effort expended creating and running a business, especially in today’s market.
He has provided leadership to many nonprofit organizations. The Katahdin Area Council’s summer camp is just a short distance from his home, and he does many projects there that truly benefits the boys and girls of the Boy Scouts of America. It could be said that Lyford ascribes to the Scout Law and as a result, has benefitted many people.
His experience in Legislature will assist him in the future and will help the people in District 10. As a final testimonial to his success can be summed up in 12 simple words as follows: Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent. Please join me in voting for Lyford on Nov. 8.
Tim Archer