Letters submitted by BDN readers are verified by BDN Opinion Page staff. Send your letters to [email protected].
Contrary to the political ad, voting “to hire 87,000 IRS agents” is not a bad thing, when you look at the implications of this action. Let’s consider that in the next five years our nation will lose approximately 50,000 Internal Revenue Service agents due to retirement.
As a result, how will they take care of the approximately 8 million unprocessed 2021 returns without new hires. What about a refund that might be owed to you?
The TV ad implies that the IRS agents are coming after you. For most of us, nothing could be further from the truth. Audits are rare. Less than 1 percent of taxpayers are selected for an audit. With additional agents, there can be new audits on the wealthy or the “high-net-worth” individuals.
Yet we do need money to fund our government. Our tax dollars fund vital services including defense, Social Security, Medicare, health and other programs, such as food stamps, disability payments and disaster relief, all in addition to paying the national debt.
Indeed, voting to hire “87,000 IRS agents” is a good thing.
Marie Keane
Election notice: The BDN will stop accepting letters and columns related to the Nov. 8 election on Thursday, Nov. 3. Not all submissions can be published.