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I am a social work student doing my senior internship at a reproductive and sexual health clinic. When I tell people this, they typically applaud me for doing such “heavy work.” They think that working in a place where people get abortions means that in order to do my job, I must wade through tears, screams and cries for help while desperately trying to get through the day. In reality, my job is a joyful one. The people that come into our clinic to receive life-saving medical care leave feeling relieved. My job is made easy by shared jokes and laughs between our patients and staff. The bathrooms are plastered with positive notes written by our clients, encouraging everyone that passes through to have a good day and to take care of themselves.
Seeing this sort of protection and love offered by stranger to stranger is a magical thing, and something that the world needs more of. The clinic is filled with love, laughter and some of the smartest and most capable people I’ve met in my life, and it is nothing but a privilege and joy to work there.
Our clients snack while telling us about their lives, we bond over a shared love of hiking or reality TV, and they are so grateful for our help. I learn from our incredible providers and clinical staff every day, and I learn even more from our patients.
Passing LD 780 will make sure that clinics like mine can continue to be a place where people from any walk of life can find solace, comfort and connection. In a world where these things are sometimes hard to come by, this is important now more than ever.
Abortion is normal and safe. There should be nothing that prevents someone from receiving an abortion whenever they need it. I implore you to support LD 780 so that the ability to make choices for our own reproductive health care is enshrined in our Constitution. We have recently made some great decisions regarding abortion in our Legislature. Please continue to support the decisions that protect people in our state, because we all have every right to our own reproductive health.
Eva White