For as long as high school basketball tournaments have been played in Maine, photographers have captured the action and preserved it for history. The BDN has employed talented photographers through the decades, people like Carroll Hall, Jack Loftus, Bob DeLong, Scott Haskell, Tom Hindman, Michele Stapleton, Kevin Bennett, Bridget Brown, Gabor Degre, Ashley Conti and many others. They all were at their best when the tournament rolled around.
Linda Coan O’Kresik and Troy R. Bennett are the keepers of that tradition and their work is, well, you’ve seen it for several years now. The words captivating and artistic come to mind. Joining Linda and Troy shooting this year’s basketball tourney for the BDN are talented freelancers Kimberly HIggins, Joseph Cyr, Josh O’Donnell and Jan Vose.
Their work is really just starting, but they’ve already snapped some memorable shots we want to share, all in one place. Enjoy. Oh, and there will be plenty more coming in the days ahead.