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I think the BDN completely buried the lede in a recent article about the national popular vote (LD 1578).
Try this one: New poll shows 72 percent of Mainers support changing to the national popular vote. Then tell readers that that includes 51 percent of Republicans, 75 percent of independents, and 88 percent of Democrats statewide. And go on to point out that 70 percent of 2nd Congressional District and 74 percent of 1st Congressional District Mainers support a national popular vote.
Instead the story focused on the politicians, which is exactly the problem in media coverage of elections. Mainers want a national popular vote. It’s time for the people to pick the president — all the people, not just those voting in swing states.
Our representative democracy is running out of time, and I don’t think the BDN does us any favors by focusing on the politicians instead of the voters, and the facts.
Lori Calderone