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There doesn’t seem to be a day that goes by when Donald Trump doesn’t make some demand that Congress must agree with him on a subject. People seem to forget that he isn’t the president and isn’t a member of Congress. Yet the Republicans in Congress seem to think his way can’t be wrong or against what the public feels is proper. The country would be better off if they just stopped considering that he knows what is best, when I think the vast majority knows he doesn’t.
I don’t recall him ever agreeing with anything unless it comes from his mouth. He degrades anyone who doesn’t agree with him or think that his ideas are the best. The best for who?
His allies are working on a plan to totally revamp the Federal Reserve and fire Chair Jerome Powell. The plan is to align the Fed with Trump’s plans and his way of thinking. This from someone who has been bankrupt more times than I can think and has been involved with numerous failed businesses. What can be learned from this?
The voters need to start considering what is best for the country and its citizens and not for a would-be dictator.
Richard Barclay