PORTLAND, Maine — The Most Rev. James Thomas Ruggieri is scheduled to be ordained and installed as the 13th Bishop of Portland on May 7 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
On that day, Ruggieri will assume Maine’s top spiritual leadership position for the nearly 300,000 Mainers — roughly one-fifth of the state — who self-identify as Catholics, replacing outgoing Bishop Robert Deeley.
We plan to be there when it happens, reporting on the scene and taking photographs.
But spokespeople for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland say Ruggieri won’t be available for questions on the big day, and he is also too busy for an interview prior to the event.
That’s OK. We can wait.
In the meantime, you can help. What would you ask Ruggieri, if you could? What do you most want to know about him or his plans for the Catholic Church in Maine? When we finally get an audience with Ruggieri, we’ll be sure to ask some of your questions.
Fill out the form below, or click here, and share your biggest questions. Also, please indicate whether we can call or email you for a follow up, once we get answers.