A study by Georgetown University has ranked Sen. Susan Collins as the most bipartisan senator. Maine’s Republican senior senator has held that distinction nine times in the last 11 years, according to a news release from her office.
Maine’s Independent junior senator, Angus King, ranked 17th in the Georgetown bipartisanship study.
The study, based on the first session of the 118th Congress in 2023, considered how often a member sponsored bills that were co-sponsored by at least one member of the opposing party, and how often a member co-sponsored bills introduced by members of the opposing party.
U.S. House of Representatives members from Maine ranked toward the upper end on the bipartisan scale. Of 435 members, 1st District Rep. Chellie Pingree, a Democrat, ranked 71st, and 2nd District Rep. Jared Golden, also a Democrat, ranked 30th.
View the full results and study methodology here.