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There are charges of “antisemitism” against opponents of the actions of the Israeli government and military against Palestinians. But, this makes no sense, because the opposition is to a government and military policy, not to a people and religion.
I am Jewish. I oppose current Israeli policies against Palestinians in Gaza, as well as Hamas’ terrible actions on Oct. 7, 2023. I have family in Israel; my father came to the U.S. in part to escape antisemitism. I am certainly not anti-Jewish.
What I view as the current cruel, terrorizing, and murderous policy of the Israeli government against Palestinians is likely to increase anti-Jewish attitudes around the world, but I blame the Israeli government, not those who want a cease-fire and a peaceful resolution of this conflict.
Jews are not the only Semites. According to many definitions, Semites are “peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.” Palestinians are Semites. If there is any antisemitism, I believe it is by the Israeli government against Palestinians, just because they are Palestinians.
Larry Dansinger