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While shopping in the Palmyra Walmart on May 29 at about 7 p.m. I happened to drop two packages of Oreo cookies. I’m an older guy, and before I could get down to pick them up a young man, maybe 14, appeared and grabbed them off the floor for me and put them back on the shelf, then asked me if he could do anything for me.
This fellow was clean cut, well dressed and well groomed and just a very pleasant young man. The experience reminded me of how life around here used to be when parents paid more attention to how their kids were raised. I’m not going to forget the young man who helped me out just for the whole experience. I had been feeling kind of down about rude people lately, especially younger people, but he gave me a bit of hope for the world going forward.
I didn’t get his name unfortunately. If he reads this I’d like to say thanks again.
Don Seavey