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What a mess. I think the media got its wish and removed President Joe Biden. The MAGA party has also achieved its goals. Certainly, Biden was a major target for them, but I think its ultimate goal was to splinter the left so much that there isn’t a chance that Donald Trump will lose this election. It has done a thorough job with that. Trump’s supporters are united and rock solid. Democrats have never done a good job uniting their base. This is the worst example of that tragic weakness.
In 1945, our predecessors contained and defeated fascism in Europe. We have now completely dishonored their sacrifice. I think we are now putting out the red carpet for our new, fascist government. As a veteran, the son of a veteran and the grandson of a veteran, I am appalled.
Biden’s administration has been one of the most successful since Franklin Roosevelt. What he has accomplished in less than four years is remarkable. I, for one, am profoundly grateful for that hard work and vision. Now, though, I fear for the loss of the soul of this nation. At this point, it seems inevitable.
Dana Williams