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I had the pleasure to get to know Rep. Reagan Paul this past spring. She contacted me about my vast experience with Sears Island and asked if I would kindly give her a tour of the Island in reference to the state’s plan to build an offshore wind facility there.
She got to experience how much Sears Island had to offer to the public with its 941 acres of virtually untouched land. I was able to show her where over 100 acres of vegetation and mature oak groves would be leveled, sand dunes destroyed, and nearly 1.5 million cubic yards of soil would be harvested. She got to see what would happen to other parts of the island with the state’s new plan to dissect wildlife habitat with a new, heavy-load road and rail access corridor that would also infringe on the conservation easement.
Her desire to protect Sears Island isn’t political; it is practical, as there is already a port at Mack Point that can be expanded only 800 yards away. She cares about being a good steward of what her district has to offer.
Reagan and I quickly became good friends and she’s one of my favorite people. She cares about what happens to this state and is devoted to protecting our way of life, our jobs and our future.
Reagan loves Maine and the district that she represents with its vast variety of residents and she knows that Sears Island in its current undeveloped state supports area small businesses and also supports our fishing industry. There isn’t anyone I would want in Augusta speaking for me or anyone else in this district. Please join with me in supporting and voting Rep. Reagan Paul back into office. Reagan will always stand shoulder to shoulder with all of us, protecting our views and beliefs and fighting for what is right.
Derek Dunbar