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I agree with the BDN editorial board when they write in the Aug. 9 BDN editorial, “Public spaces are for all members of the public. And they reflect public priorities.” There are many communities in Maine where in public spaces we might see members of the homeless community or who are struggling with drug use. However, as is mentioned in this editorial, these instances are on occasion. There does need to be an emphasis placed on helping those who would like assistance to help them be able to live better lives. Many times, we lose focus of the priorities and need to be reminded.
There should be no question that there needs to be a larger emphasis placed on expanding community resources. It is important that those who are trying to overcome obstacles in their lives know where to go when they need help. Those who are unsure where to go might be turning to what they are aware they have access to. This being public spaces.
Whether we agree or disagree with the way in which public spaces are being utilized, if there are not enough resources available or we fail to make an obstacle like homelessness a priority, some might not have other places to turn to. This could leave them with little to no choice but to use a library or another space they have access to.
Benjamin Bucklin