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Having voted for Jared Golden in all of his past congressional elections, I find doing so now distasteful. I find his recent ad where he is standing with the Gulf of Maine waters as backdrop while advocating for greater gas and oil production, bizarre. Has he so little understanding of climate change and its deleterious and extensive harm to the ecology of the Gulf?
Additionally, his apparent confusion regarding the presidential candidates is striking. He was our representative during the Jan. 6 insurrection. It seems that in his desperation to get re-elected, has he forgotten the dangerous, dysfunctional and disreputable behavior of our former president.
Yes, I understand strategic positioning; but, I think his reticence and vacillation over his election position is reprehensible. As the saying goes, silence equals death, in this case the expiration of our democracy.
As a federal government official, he has taken an oath to defend our Constitution. After that violent attempt to overthrow the will of the American people, does Rep. Golden not see his duty here?
Whichever the case, he will not get my vote. Sometimes, win or lose, you need to take that stand. Sadly, he is persona non grata to me.
Kenneth P. Burke
New Portland