HINCKLEY – Good Will-Hinckley is pleased to announce that Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause ice cream truck will be at their Fall Festival! The event will be held Sept. 28 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at their campus, 16 Prescott Drive.
Good Will-Hinckley is partnering with local area organizations to hold their 3rd Annual Fall Festival, young and old alike will be welcome to come to the event on that day for food, fun, and games for all.
Activities planned will include a climbing wall, lawn games, pumpkin painting, obstacle course, food trucks, craft and art fair, wagon rides, bounce house, a passport adventure and more! Also on our campus, our L.C. Bates Natural History Museum @ Good Will-Hinckley will be offering free admission for the day, sponsored by Skowhegan Savings Bank!
Admission to the Fall Festival is free thanks to our festival sponsors Sappi and Golden Pond Wealth Management, but donations are always welcome. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Barbara Gourley at Good Will-Hinckley by phone (207-238-4000), email bgourley@gwh.org, or visit our website at gwh.org for more information.
Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause was designed as a fun way to give back to local communities and causes. Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause will be at the Fall Festival from 12 to 2 p.m. The truck attends local events to give out ice cream for free, in exchange for voluntary donations to benefit the cause or charity. Since 2012, the truck has raised over $552,000 for thousands of causes and charities.
For more information on Good Will-Hinckley’s Fall Festival, call Barbara Gourley at 207-238-4000, email info@gwh.org, or visit gwh.org. For more information on the Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause program, visit www.icecreamforacause.com or email Darlingsict@icecreamforacause.com.
Good Will-Hinckley was Founded by George Walter Hinckley in 1889, to provide a home, educational opportunities and a supportive environment to youth, families, and communities that need a helping hand. Staffed by caring professionals from both the clinical and educational worlds, Good Will-Hinckley is committed to giving children and young adults the inspiration and tools they need to succeed.
The Darling’s Ice Cream for a Cause truck offers free ice cream in exchange for voluntary donations to help raise money for charities and causes in our communities. Since 2012, it has raised over $552,000 for thousands of causes and charities. For more information or to request a stop, visit www.icecreamforacause.com or email Darlingsict@icecreamforacause.com.