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I wonder how many times other drivers, like me, have been stopped by a flagger working with a road crew this summer and fall. Do you get annoyed? I admit I do sometimes. Today I watched the road crews and flaggers working on rebuilding the roads near where I live.
This letter is a big “thank you” to those making our roads safe, convenient and smooth. I watched folks clearing the way, shovel in hand, for new curbing; I watched others carefully working new tar around sewer, storm drain, and water holes in the road; I watched folks with flags managing busy, complex traffic patterns in a manner that kept their co-workers safe and the traveling public moving; I watched large trucks and bigger paving machines work in tiny areas with amazing skill and expertise.
So I say to myself (and to anyone who reads this): Don’t be annoyed by minor traffic stops. Pay attention to and celebrate the men and women who are working the roads, today in the rain, this past summer in the heat and humidity, this fall in the cold. Extend a big “thank you” to them with your patience, careful driving, and appreciation.
Great work all.
Kay Carter