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Many Maine residents were very happy about the recent passing of the repeals of Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) into a federal law. Many of us worked for as much as 13 years to get this to happen.
I would like to thank the following organizations for their many years of efforts: the Maine Association of Retirees/MAR; the Massachusetts Retirees organization and its spokesperson Shawn Duhamel; and especially Marie Ardito of Massachusetts Retirees United.
I also wish to thank Mr. Paul MacLean of Plymouth, Maine, too. Paul and I have talked and exchanged ideas for many years. He helped me write several letters to the editors for many Maine newspapers for years as well. He and I wrote our federal and state legislators for many years too. Now the next step is to see how soon Social Security will contact all Mainers and other people in 18 states to implement their full benefits.
I would like to add that everyone should continue to speak up about any unjust laws no matter how long it takes. It gives you great satisfaction to know your thoughts and actions do count!
Karen E. Holmes