Though hopes have dimmed for finding survivors, searchers think a scallop boat that vanished over the weekend may have sunk off the coast of Trescott.
The missing fishermen are Chester Barrett and his son Aaron Barrett, who live in Addison and fish out of South Addison.
The Coast Guard suspended its search for the vessel on Sunday and now is considering the effort a recovery rather than a rescue mission, according to Chris Berry, spokesperson for the agency. The Coast Guard has not resumed the search since Sunday, he said.
Berry said that a sonar scan has indicated that the 34-foot boat may have sunk near Moose Cove in Trescott, between Lubec and Cutler, but that searchers have not confirmed if the detected object is Sudden Impact.
“We’re not sure what it is,” Berry said. “There is a belief it could be the vessel.”
Jeff Nichols, spokesperson for the Maine Department of Marine Resources, confirmed that fishermen who have been assisting in the search have detected what could be the boat near the mouth of the tidal Moose River, 160 feet below the surface.
Nichols said Marine Patrol is searching in the area and, should a salvage effort be made, will assist private mariners with whatever may be found.
The father and son were reported missing Saturday night by a family member when they didn’t return as expected after traveling from Edmunds on Cobscook Bay to South Addison, according to Marine Patrol.
The Barretts’ boat left Cobscook Bay State Park at approximately 5 a.m. Saturday. After encountering rough seas, the crew planned to seek refuge in Cutler but never arrived, the Coast Guard has said.