HAMPDEN — Coastal Auto parts will be donating $10,000 to the Maine Veterans Project. The money will go to RH Foster to provide heating assistance for Maine veterans.
Coastal Auto Parts is a family-owned Maine company that owns and operates 30 NAPA Auto Part Stores throughout the state. The original store and corporate office is in Ellsworth.
The campaign was kicked off Nov. 29 and ran in conjunction with Coastal Auto Parts’ Red Friday Milwaukee Tool Sale through Dec. 31. During that time Coastal Auto Parts sold paper MVP logos at all their locations and gathered donations from NAPA Auto Care Centers.
The Maine Veterans Project offers a variety of programs and services for Maine veterans. Through strategic partnerships, sponsorships, and generous donations they are able to keep these programs going strong while continuously striving to improve their reach.
Coastal Auto Parts will be donating the check at RH Fosters Corporate Office located at 81 Mecaw Road in Hampden at 12 p.m. on Jan. 29.