Some videos just speak for themselves, and this is one of them.
Usually we see crows, especially, pecking away at animals killed by vehicles on the roads and highways. But they are not the only ones that will eat carrion.
Eagles and other birds of prey won’t let free food go to waste either.
Where crows tend to eat the road-kill where it is, eagles like to take their dinner to a more private setting.
That’s how we come to this story shared with us by Alison McKellar in Camden.
McKellar saw a car flashing its lights at her while she was driving a few days ago. She thought it was a warning for a police speed trap.
Once she was closer, she realized it was a bald eagle carrying a dead animal out of the road, she said in her description of what happened.
She pulled her vehicle over and watched the big bird rip pieces of meat from the carcass.
“Then it started to slide down the hill on what turned out to be a skunk,” she said. “Pretty cool to see such a majestic creature so close and nice to know that nothing was going to waste.”
Well said, Alison.