PORTLAND — Wheelock Architecture, winners of a 2022 Maine Preservation Honor Award, have promoted Liz Reynolds, PE, to director of preservation and Tim Morrison to senior architect. Reynolds’ promotion recognizes her contributions to the firm’s leadership in historic preservation and design. Morrison’s contributions include his leadership as the Project Architect for the award-winning Broad Bay Congregational Church project.
Nancy Barba, principal at Barba + Wheelock, says that the demand for historic preservation continues to increase, “Our clients recognize that restoring and rehabilitating historic properties requires an interdisciplinary team of experts. Tim and Liz have sharpened their expertise on a vast array of projects. Liz’s dual degrees in engineering and historic preservation bring depth to her position while Tim’s excellent project management, 3D modeling, and production skills provide clients with efficient and comprehensive direction.”
Morrison joined Barba + Wheelock in 2013 after earning his masters of architecture from Norwich University. During his tenure at the firm, Morrison has produced construction documents and led construction administration for many large projects including Broad Bay Congregational Church in Waldoboro, Bay Chamber Music School in Rockport, and the Lemont Block in Brunswick. In addition to Broad Bay Congregational Church, Morrison has won awards for his work on the L. L. Bean House in Freeport, the Friend Central School in Pennsylvania, and the Merrill Memorial Library in Yarmouth.
Since joining the firm in July 2021, Reynolds has helped produce, among other projects: fire suppression drawings for Acadia National Park gatehouses and condition assessment reports for the Chocolate Church Arts Center in Bath, the Percy MacKaye House in Plainfield, New Hampshire, and Pejepscot History Center in Brunswick. Reynolds has also received several awards for her work in preservation, including being named Emerging Professional for the Association for Preservation Technology, Washington, D.C. Chapter in 2019. She received her bachelor of science degree in civil engineering at the University of Maine and her master of science degree in Historic Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania.
Barba + Wheelock Architects is an award-winning architectural firm located in Portland. The firm’s mission-driven focus on designing buildings and places that have the ability to affect social change make it well versed in projects that involve public-private partnerships. The firm’s collaborative approach has earned many awards over the past 30 years, most recently the 2022 Maine Preservation Honor Award for its work on the Broad Bay Congregational Church in Waldoboro. Barba + Wheelock is currently working on a major renovation to the Bay Chamber Concerts and Music School in Camden, the adaptive reuse and historic tax credit project for Avesta Housing in Lewiston and the Lemont Block in Brunswick, the master plan for Pejepscot History Center, two of the iconic gatehouses in Acadia National Park, and a multitude of residential projects in all sizes and types. For more information, go to http://www.barbawheelock.com.