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An article in the Bangor Daily News reported on Paul LePage’s threat to “deck” a political tracker for violating his personal space. Some have offered the excuse that LePage’s behavior is based on his difficult upbringing. I offer a less complicated explanation that I think LePage is simply a bully. This is not to say environmental factors do not play a role. Indeed there are many influences on a young person that contribute to character development in either a positive or negative way.
Democracy is not best served by finger pointing, name calling, vulgarity, and contempt for other opinions — as characterized by bullies.
I served for 40 years in public education and maintain that bullies can come from all backgrounds. The most privileged backgrounds produce bullies too. I offer former President Donald Trump as an excellent example. As you may recall, during the 2016 presidential election, LePage claimed that he was, “Donald Trump before Donald Trump became popular.” On that I can firmly agree!
Terry McCannell