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After reading Valerie Royzman’s article in the BDN, “Maine’s small towns are suddenly gripped by dysfunction,” and then reading a follow-up letter to the editor by Jim Mitchell of Old Town, it
seems that it would make sense for town officials to work directly with residents to try to come
up with common-sense solutions to problems.
Royzman paints a picture that towns all over Maine, especially smaller ones, are stretched to the limits to accomplish basic tasks with limited staff and budgets. Adding legal cases to their burgeoning list of things to accomplish could stretch a fragile system to its breaking point.
Yes, lawyers are sometimes necessary, but let citizens and town officials try to work out solutions through frank and calm discussions. We would all like to believe that when we begin conversations with our town officials, the result will be fair and full of common sense. The goal should always be to work together for a “win-win” outcome. Also, if one side is wrong or makes an error, it would benefit everyone involved to recognize it so both parties can move forward and let cooler heads prevail.
Jeanne Lawson