To foster a more understanding and inclusive community, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center launched a series of monthly information sessions for hospital staff and our communities.
The next session is Thursday, Oct. 19 from 1 to 2 p.m., and will feature a conversation with Melissa Gabriel from Angel Connection who will discuss her beliefs on faith traditions in the hospital setting.
Doug Cotta, spiritual care coordinator, moderates the sessions, which focus on various faith traditions and ideologies and how to provide respect and support within healthcare. Doug envisions these conversations as a path to community building. “We are working to bring the community together,” he says. “The best way to do this is to understand where we each come from, and it is our goal that by doing these sessions it will strengthen the bonds of community.” Doug’s hope is for people to gain a greater understanding of faith and culture in healthcare and beyond, while working to create meaningful connections.
Community members are welcome to attend the Zoom meeting by using this link: