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I think the writers of the recent wind port editorial in the BDN have clearly misunderstood the scope of this development. It is not a “port” where ships quietly come and go, but a 100-acre industrial facility where the turbines will be fabricated before they are shipped. The potential nonstop road usage, 24/7 noise, traffic, lighting and habitat destruction are incompatible with the conservation mission of the island’s other half.
The editors who dismiss this as “semantics” should consult their dictionaries on the difference between a seaport and a factory. The BDN has always supported Maine’s environment as a precious and vulnerable legacy, but now their message is to trash Sears Island in order to save the cost of leasing Mack Point. I believe a responsible editorial board would recognize the incompleteness of their research, critically reexamine both sides and issue a correction.
Bill Carpenter
Stockton Springs