PORTLAND — Empowering Maine kids on the path to graduate with a plan for their future and a mentor whose impact will last a lifetime is more than a goal espoused by Big Brothers Big Sisters, it is a reality.
“Mentoring relationships provide a key source of stability and social connectedness that is essential in life,” said Eileen Veroneau Brown, director of development and communications for BBBS of Southern Maine. “The generosity of Norway Savings Bank makes a profound difference in our community and supports the continuous growth of littles waiting for their endless potential to be unlocked.”
Playing a small part in helping to nurture these relationships, as well as the support and encouragement they offer, is an honor for Norway Savings, which has proudly contributed over $50,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick in the last eight years, including ongoing donations in 2024.
In addition, NSB team members act as mentors in the programs, volunteer at BBBS events, and even serve on the organization’s boards.
“These mentoring relationships ignite the power and promise of our youth and touch the hearts of the caring adults who donate their time to the programs,” said Penny Anderson, NSB market manager in Brunswick who serves as treasurer on the BBBS of Bath/Brunswick’s Board of Directors. “To see it in real time and observe the impact over the years is remarkable.”
“BBBS is guided by the vision for all children to achieve success in life,” said Karry Kane, NSB’s mortgage loan officer VP in Brunswick and current BBBS of Bath/Brunswick board member. “This experience can help dramatically change the path of a child’s life for the better.”
Karry, herself, is a new “big” in the program.
“I just love it so much,” she said. “My ‘little’ is amazing. I find myself looking forward to the next time we can get together. It’s so special.”
“I’m continually moved by our team members’ commitment to lend both their time and hearts to this program and these children,” said Dan Walsh, president and CEO of Norway Savings Bank. “BBBS changes kids’ perspectives in a positive way through friendship and guidance at a critical time in their lives.”
The organization doesn’t receive state or federal funding, and the important connections made by BBBS would not be possible without the financial support of businesses and community partners.
“Norway Savings Bank and other benevolent businesses play a crucial role in helping our ‘bigs’ make life-changing impacts on ‘littles’ that generate better communities in the years that follow,” said Carol Marquis, executive director for BBBS of Bath/Brunswick. “This support is a driving force that improves our children’s lives every day. Happier, healthier, and brighter futures are possible for the kids that need us most.”
For more information on how to offer assistance in a variety of ways to Big Brothers Big Sisters, visit www.bbbsbathbrunswick.org or www.somebigs.org (Portland).