As I enter my last year of college, I remember how I felt when I started school three years ago. I was excited by the freedom and newfound independence that came with living away from home. There was no one to tell me when to do my homework, go to bed, or what to eat — hooray! But then again, I felt frightened making all of those decisions on my own. As a soon-to-be college grad (yikes), here are some tips for navigating your college experience while keeping your parents’ well-meaning advice (or overbearing input) in mind.
Don’t be a stranger – With all of the excitement and novelty of your first time out of the nest, it can be easy to go long stretches without letting your folks know how you’re doing. But phone calls or texts every now and then help them see that you’re okay and that you’re thinking of them. I’ve found that walking to class is a great time to give my parents a call. Even if I only have five or 10 minutes, it’s enough to let them know what’s happening in my day and hear about theirs. And if they call you, be a good kid and pick up!
Ask for help – As a college student or soon-to-be college student, you may be tired of hearing this by now, but it’s okay to ask for help. I’m quite stubborn myself and don’t often like to admit that there are things I can’t do on my own, but over the years, I’ve become more familiar with letting people help me when I need it. This could mean going to office hours when I don’t understand something, asking my dad (a former coach) for workout advice, or listening to my mom when she says maybe I shouldn’t get a cat in my dorm room. Whatever it is, your parents are good people to bounce your ideas off of, and they probably know a thing or two about what challenges you’re facing.
Trust yourself – If your parents attended college, they might frequently remind you that they’ve been where you are and that they know what’s best for you. While that’s often true, remember that you are the one living your experience, and it may be best to trust your gut. What your parents know about your life is most likely coming from you, and if there’s a situation where you feel you should stray from their advice, trust yourself to make the right decision. And if it turns out to be the wrong choice, you can learn and grow from that experience. If you’re lucky enough to have parents like mine, they will be there to help you pick up the pieces no matter what choices you make.
Whether these tips apply to your situation or not, I hope they can provide you with guidance on how to navigate college life with your parents in mind. I’ve found that the older I get, the easier it is to see my parents as people just like me, not just parents. I look forward to “walking to class” or “walking to practice” chats with them and I value their opinions on my life. But of course, I’m also learning to be my own person and trust that I can make decisions that best fit my life. At the end of the day, all the well-meaning advice (including mine) is just that, advice. Your life is up to you, so take that hike, hang out with friends, get that work done, and the rest will take care of itself.