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I’m writing to encourage Bangor voters in House District 23 to support Rep. Amy Roeder for re-election. Over the past two legislative terms, Amy has emerged as a strong leader, chairing the House Committee on Labor and Housing and sponsoring thoughtful legislation that appeals to members of both parties. She has stood up consistently for working Mainers and has promoted bills that will assist them as they care for their families. Amy is a steadfast supporter of educators, and she is invested in the hourly school staff who also shape our students’ lives. She has sponsored bills around emergency prescription availability and coverage; foster youth having access to driver education; and preventing the state from taking survivor benefits from kids in foster care. All of these bills passed out of committee with unanimous votes.
She, along with the rest of the Bangor legislative delegation and other stakeholders, successfully lobbied the state to provide funding to keep the Hope House open, ensuring that many of our neighbors will have shelter this coming winter.
Many of Amy’s constituents already know her as a great legislator, but they may not know that she is also a generous and humble neighbor. She has quietly helped many Bangor residents survive emergencies by collecting and distributing resources for them, yet she never asks for recognition for these acts of kindness. Amy is the real deal. I hope you will join me in voting to re-elect Amy on Nov. 5.
Clare Mundell
Election notice: The BDN will stop accepting letters and columns related to the Nov. 5 election on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Not all submissions can be published.