The South Portland City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to merge the city-run bus system into Greater Portland Metro, effective on or around Dec. 29.
Metro will operate South Portland’s bus routes, assume maintenance and compliance responsibilities, and fully integrate South Portland’s routes into its system.
South Portland officials said the service will remain the same, although Metro will likely offer suggested route improvements in the next few years.
Metro will also carry forward a project to improve access and accessibility to multiple bus stops in South Portland.
South Portland officials said the city is expected to save $1 million over the next five years from this merger.
As part of the merger, officials said Metro has agreed to hire all South Portland bus drivers, honor their seniority in terms of pay and benefits, and allow them to operate South Portland’s bus routes if they prefer.
All South Portland bus drivers will receive increased compensation as Metro employees.
South Portland will seat four representatives on Metro’s board and will have direct input on any decisions affecting South Portland’s service.
South Portland left Metro in 1983 and has operated its own bus system since. Officials said rejoining Metro has potential for improved regional connections between South Portland and Greater Portland.
The merger will be finalized if it is approved by Greater Portland Metro’s board of directors, which is scheduled to meet and vote at 4 p.m. on Oct. 24.