NORRIDGEWOCK, Maine — Officials say more than 50 Shih Tzu dogs and a handful of cats have been rescued after they were found living in inhumane conditions at a home in Norridgewock.
What was initially reported to be 15 to 20 dogs living in the home was revealed to be many more upon arrival. Following the state’s seizure, the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland (ARLGP) in Westbrook received 23 dogs, and the Animal Welfare Society (AWS) in Kennebunk received nine dogs, along with the cats. It is unclear at this time where the remaining animals have been sent.
It was not immediately clear if charges are being considered against the homeowner.
Officials say the dogs were examined by a team of veterinarians and provided necessary preventative care and vaccinations, but many of the dogs have medical conditions that will require additional care before they can be made available for adoption.
Volunteer groomers were on site at the shelters to clean them, as many were heavily matted and covered in feces.
Veterinary staff at both shelters are handling the medical needs of the pets.
Both AWS and ARLGP anticipate some of these dogs will become available for adoption starting this week.
Pets ready for adoption will be posted on the shelters’ websites, and
While both shelters look forward to getting the pets up for adoption, ARLGP and AWS representatives stress that rehoming them will take special care.
“The animals have been through a very stressful period and many are not accustomed to living in a loving, home setting,” the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland said.
Officials say they will need patience, love and support from their new families as they transition into an unfamiliar, but safer and healthier life.