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The people of Maine desperately need one or more local journalists to dig into the state of our judicial system. Right now, across Maine, your ability to access justice varies greatly depending on what your zip code is. Some courts, such as Lewiston District Court, consistently deliver access to justice the way it’s intended to be. However, I believe many other courts (district, superior, probate) across the eight counties I currently practice in stand in stark contrast to the beacon of hope that exists in Lewiston District Court.
Mainers are lucky that exceptional court employees are doing all they can to hold things together. But, they will only be able to hold on for so long. Likewise, Mainers are lucky to have great people serving as lawyers, mediators, and guardians ad litem. Here too, however, the risk and danger of burnout is approaching crisis levels.
I’m deeply worried that if we don’t focus on making some big changes soon, the issues causing cracks in the foundation today will compound to the point that justice will become a notion many Mainers won’t view as accessible in the particular court they would be faced with. The effects of this will become more and more detrimental to communities across Maine, especially as it relates to children who desperately need intervention from the courts to ensure their best interests are served.
Matthew Lauzon, Esq.