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Maine’s electoral votes officially headed to Washington, D.C., this week, after all votes were counted. Three of those electoral votes will go to Kamala Harris and only one will be recorded in history for Donald Trump.
This says something about the majority of Maine voters. And that is something I am proud about and comforted by. The majority of Maine voters did not fall for the lies and false promises of Trump. The majority saw through his “us against them” rhetoric. Maine voters looked at the well-documented statistics that disproved many of his often repeated falsehoods about immigrants, reasons for the high prices and interest rates, violence in America statistics, healthcare promises and on and on.
So, there was no mandate for Trump here in Maine. His lies and his false promises did not fool a majority of Maine voters. We, as a state, can be proud of this, and we as Kamala voters can know that although the big picture did not show it, Maine voters stood tall. Mainers voted for hope, solidarity, women’s rights, law and order, freedoms of speech and press, and truths. Yes, we did good. Proud of my home state.
Tonya Troiani