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The holiday season provides an opportunity to take stock of the past year and express gratitude for good fortune. As the town manager of the town of Bucksport, I am particularly grateful for the service and dedication of the town’s civil servants, including its police and fire/EMS departments. The individuals who make up these departments work together to provide essential services to the town’s residents under difficult conditions and often at great risk to their own health and safety.
That is why I was surprised and disappointed to recently observe highly offensive messages directed at a member of the Police Department on a fence on private property on the Millvale Road. The civil servant in question is a long-time resident with many years of public service and extensive training. The town is fortunate to have a person of his character and integrity devote himself to the safety and well-being of its residents. Neither this officer nor any other civil servant in the town of Bucksport, deserves to be addressed in the false and highly offensive manner observed on Millvale Road.
Susan Lessard
Town manager