ST. DAVID, Maine — A restaurant on Long Lake has closed less than two weeks before a major ice fishing event happens in the area.
“We regret to inform you that effective immediately, Long Lake Bar and Grill, LLC has ceased operations,” the St. David restaurant announced on its Facebook page on Wednesday.
The announcement comes ahead of the Long Lake Ice Fishing Derby’s 20th anniversary, set for Jan. 25 and 26. The upcoming event is the state’s largest ice fishing derby. The derby saw record participation last year and generally attracts participants from throughout Maine and Canada.
Kevin Braga, attorney and corporate contact for the restaurant, said a combination of factors contributed to the decision to close, including market conditions, the economy and staffing. He also said lower numbers of snowmobilers in recent years has hurt the restaurant and surrounding businesses.
The last few warmer winters have been devastating for snowmobiling, which is a major winter activity in Aroostook County. According to a study commissioned by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, the state’s snowmobiling industry brought $606 million to the state during the 2018-19 season.
“The lack of snow has definitely hurt the economy in the region,” Braga said.
Many businesses in Aroostook County depend on an uptick related to snowmobiling during the winter months. Last year, hotels and restaurants were devastated by a brief snowmobile season.