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In the bewildering blizzard of actions taken by the new administration, one fact stands out to me: services for working class and retired Americans are being slashed in order to partially fund yet another $4.5 trillion tax cut for the wealthiest Americans. To be sure, average workers might see a few extra bucks in their returns, but the biggest tax savings will go to the top 5 percent.
Since the top 0.01 percent of the population already holds six times as much wealth as the bottom half, there is no rational explanation for this, especially since it will add even more trillions to our already staggering national debt. One might reasonably ask: How much money do these people need, anyhow?
The spectacle of food aid being cut for both hungry children — at home and abroad — and for the farmers who produced this food in order to further enrich billionaires makes me ashamed to be a citizen of this country, especially since thousands of tons of that food is simply rotting on docks and in silos. If that isn’t an example of “waste, fraud and abuse,” I don’t know what is.
Peter Pfeiffer