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The legal system was never purely impartial, but this case is also an assault on American democracy.
The purpose isn’t to raise revenue but to keep cars out of Manhattan. That will constrain growth.
Without the limits placed on witness testimony, they can now learn why the case was faulty.
Divinity grad student Elom Tettey-Tamalko is charged with assault and battery in connection with an October ‘die-in.’
China is unlikely to invade but determined to subvert and manipulate the island’s politics.
They prefer to scapegoat businesses for inflation rather than concede that their policies caused it.
Even those who dislike the former President see a case of legal and political malpractice.
The more technology advances, the more we wish for long-lost simpler times.
. . . cops in Manhattan made over 390 arrests for felony assault. How many will the DA let off easy?
At last, a political leader gets honest about declining U.S. power.
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