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This little-seen 1961 film, written and directed by acting coach Peter Kass and now being rereleased in select theaters, is...
The Smith-Corona I got when I turned 12 prepared me for a college side gig.
The General Assembly may grant Palestinians member status, doing an end run around the Security Council.
The custodians mobbed at Hamilton Hall might get a union lawsuit.
The UMC opts for the secular culture’s take on sex over traditional Christian orthodoxy.
New weight-loss drugs appear to produce dramatic results, but there are downsides. Moral dilemmas arise as well.
Will his prosecution end up putting him back in the White House?
California leftists whisper about the wisdom of self-defense.
A draft Senate resolution denounces the weapons betrayal. How will Democrats vote?
Lina Khan’s agency trashes an oil executive on dubious evidence.
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